Key Three: Minus18

HRAFF exists to create an ecosystem of individuals and organisations who champion creativity and human rights. As part of this mission, we are proud to partner with various community organisations who are already leading the way in this regard, to offer three practical steps that our audience can take to join the movement for social change.

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Creating a world where all LGBTQIA+ young people feel seen, supported and loved is a job for all of us. As part of HRAFF 2021, our community partner Minus18 prepared Three Actions audiences could take after watching ‘Cowboys’ to learn more about LGBTQIA+ identities, tangibly champion inclusivity and encourage your loved ones to do the same.

Minus18 are champions for LGBTQIA+ young people. They’re leading change, building social inclusion, and advocating for an Australia where all young people are safe, empowered, and surrounded by people that support them.

Action # 1: Get across the educational resources

View and share our resources for adults (parents, families and friends alike) focused on how to LOOK, LISTEN, LEARN & LOVE.

Action # 2: Be a visible LGBTQIA+ ally

Celebrate days of significance such as IDAHOBIT on May 17th. Going rainbow creates visibility and starts important conversations.

Action # 3: Help create inclusive, safe spaces

Engage with LGBTQIA+ education and workshops to make your workplace, school or community safe for LGBTQIA+ folks. That goes for young people, mates, family, colleagues and clients!

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Key Three: Human Rights Law Centre


Key Three: GRID Series