Key Three: Women’s Art Register

HRAFF exists to create an ecosystem of individuals and organisations who champion creativity and human rights. As part of this mission, we are proud to partner with various community organisations who are already leading the way in this regard, to offer three practical steps that our audience can take to join the movement for social change.

Our community partner, the Women's Art Register have presented three key actions you can take to support social justice and women (cis, non-binary and trans-inclusive) in art.

The Women’s Art Register is Australia’s living archive of women’s art practice (cis, non-binary and trans-inclusive) and an artist-run community and resource.

Since 1975 W.A.R. has provided a platform for research, education, advocacy and support to enhance the status of women artists and address issues of professional practice, equity and cultural heritage.

Action # 1: Visit a local art gallery or exhibition near you 

Explore some online or in-person galleries and find out how many women are represented in the exhibition and how many women sit on the Board. 

Action # 2: Learn about women’s arts practice in Melbourne

Talk to your networks about a site of women's art practice in Melbourne. If you need inspiration, check out the online mapping project, This Is W.A.R!

Action # 3: Contribute to This Is W.A.R!

Submit a place of women's art practice to This Is W.A.R! By quite literally putting women artists on the map, we reject the concept that women operate behind the scenes, unseen in their own homes and studios, out of the public sphere. Women’s art practice is situated and contextualised across sites, and decades, through these diverse stories that connect communities, ideas, bodies, practices and legacies.


Key Three: AIME Mentoring


Key Three: Diversitat